
Conversion PHP

Command, queries and events are not always objects. When they travel via different channels, coming from outside, they are mostly converted to simplified format, like JSON or XML. At the level of application however we want to deal with it in PHP format, as objects or arrays , so we can understand what are we dealing with.

Moving from one format to another requires conversion. Ecotone does it automatically using Media Type Converters. Media Type Converters are responsible for converting data into expected format. It can be for example from JSON to PHP, but it also can be other way around from PHP to JSON.

Available Media Type Converters

Ecotone comes with configured Media Type Converters, if you don't want to build your own.

Media Type Converter

We need to define class for it which implements Converter and is marked by annotation #[MediaTypeConverter].

class CustomConverter implements Converter
    public function matches(TypeDescriptor $sourceType, MediaType $sourceMediaType, TypeDescriptor $targetType, MediaType $targetMediaType): bool


    public function convert($source, TypeDescriptor $sourceType, MediaType $sourceMediaType, TypeDescriptor $targetType, MediaType $targetMediaType)


There are two methods matches and convert. Matches tells Ecotone, if specific Converter can do conversion, by returning true/false. Convert does actual conversion from one type to another.

  1. TypeDescriptor - Describes expected type in PHP format. This can be class, scalar type, array etc.

  2. MediaType - Describes expected Media Type format. This can be application/json, application/xml or application/x-php etc.

  3. $source - is the actual data to be converted.

Conversion on fly using Routed Messages

Suppose we have Command Handler endpoint, which expects PlaceOrderCommand class.

public function placeOrder(PlaceOrderCommand $command)
   // do something

In our HTTP Controller, we receive JSON and we want to send it to Command Bus:

   '{"productIds": [1,2]}',

Ecotonedoes delay the conversion to the time, when it's actually needed. In that case it will be just before placeOrder method will be called. Then Payload of Message, which will be {"productIds": [1,2]} with content Type application/json will be converted to PlaceOrderCommand and content Type application/x-php (default for PHP types).

Converter that matches JSON to PHP conversion will be used to do the conversion:

 public function convert($source, TypeDescriptor $sourceType, MediaType $sourceMediaType, TypeDescriptor $targetType, MediaType $targetMediaType)
    // $source - {"productIds": [1,2]}
    // $sourceType - string
    // $sourceMediaType - application/json
    // $targetType - PlaceOrderCommand
    // $targetMediaType - application/x-php

How to build your own Media Type Converter

If we would like to implement JSON to PHP converter, we could start like this:

public function matches(TypeDescriptor $sourceType, MediaType $sourceMediaType, TypeDescriptor $targetType, MediaType $targetMediaType): bool
    return $sourceMediaType->isCompatibleWith(MediaType::createApplicationJson()) // if source media type is JSON
        && $targetMediaType->isCompatibleWith(MediaType::createApplicationXPHPObject())    ; // and target media type is PHP

This will tell Ecotone that in case source media type is JSON and target media type is PHP, then it should use this converter. Then you could inject into the class specific converter of your use for example Symfony Serializer and make use of it in convert method.

public function convert($source, TypeDescriptor $sourceType, MediaType $sourceMediaType, TypeDescriptor $targetType, MediaType $targetMediaType)
    return $this->serializer->deserialize($source, $targetType->toString(), "json");

PHP to PHP Conversions

Ecotone does come with simplication for PHP level conversion. Suppose we want to send Query with scalar string type: "61cfc7ea-928f-420f-a8e1-656ae2968254" and convert it to Uuid on receiving side.

public function getOrderDetails(Uuid $orderId)
   // do something

Let's add PHP Conversion:

class ExampleConverterService
    public function convert(string $data) : Uuid
        return Uuid::fromString($data);

Ecotonewill read parameter type of Converter, which is string and return type which is Uuid and such Converter will be registered. Conversion does work with more complicated objects, expecting more than one parameter. In that case array can be used in order to construct the object.

class ExampleConverterService
    public function convert(array $data) : Coordinates
        return Coordinates::create($data["latitude"], $data["longitude"]);

Conversion Array of objects

Suppose we expect array of UUID's.

   ["61cfc7ea-928f-420f-a8e1-656ae2968254", "d32ee0cc-fd01-474d-b69f-2d2489433f3d"],
*  @param Uuid[] $orderIds
public function getOrders(array $orderIds)
   // do something

In order to handle such conversion, we do not need to do anything more. We have converter for string to UUID then it will be automatically used in order to handle array of string for UUID conversion. Ecotone does know that parameter $orderIdsis array of UUIDs based on docblock parameter@param Uuid[] $orderIds.


You may want to serialize/deserialize on the level of your application code using Converters you have already registered. In order to do that Ecotone comes with Serializer Gateway

Serializer Gateway is built from simple interface

namespace Ecotone\Messaging\Gateway\Converter;

interface Serializer
    public function convertFromPHP($data, string $targetMediaType);

    public function convertToPHP($data, string $sourceMediaType, string $targetType);

convertFromPHP - This method is responsible for converting source PHP $data to specific target Media Type.

$this->serializer->convertFromPHP([1,2,3], "application/json")

convertToPHP - This method is responsible for converting source with specific media type to target PHP type.

$this->serializer->convertToPHP('{"productId": 1}', "application/json", OrderProduct:class)

Last updated

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