Lesson 5: Interceptors

PHP Middlewares Interceptors

Ecotone provide us with possibility to handle cross cutting concerns via Interceptors. Interceptor as name suggest, intercepts the process of handling the message. You may enrich the message, stop or modify usual processing cycle, call some shared functionality, add additional behavior to existing code without modifying the code itself.

Before & After Interceptor

After one of our administrators went for holiday, the others found out, they can't change cost of the product and this become really problematic for them.

Administrators should be able to change the cost of a product

We could copy paste the logic from product.register to product.changePricebut we want to avoid code duplication, especially logic that may happen more often. Let's intercept our Command Handlers.

Let's start by creating Annotation called RequireAdministrator in new namepace App\Infrastructure\RequireAdministrator

namespace App\Infrastructure\RequireAdministrator;

class RequireAdministrator {}

Let's create our first Before Interceptor. Start by removing old UserService and create new one in different namespace App\Infrastructure\RequireAdministrator. Remember to mark return type as void, we will see why it is so important soon.

namespace App\Infrastructure\RequireAdministrator;

class UserService
    #[Before(pointcut: RequireAdministrator::class)]
    public function isAdmin(#[Header("userId")] ?string $userId) : void
        if ($userId != 1) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("You need to be administrator to perform this action");

Before- marks method as Interceptor, so it can be be found by Ecotone.

Pointcut - describes what should be intercepted.

  • CLASS_NAME - indicates what should be intercepted using specific Class Name or Attribute Name annotated at the level of method or class

  • NAMESPACE* - Indicating all Endpoints starting with namespace e.g. App\Domain\Product\*

  • expression||expression - Indicating one expression or another e.g. Product\*||Order\*

Now we need to annotate our Command Handlers:

use App\Infrastructure\RequireAdministrator\RequireAdministrator;

public static function register(RegisterProductCommand $command, array $metadata) : self
    return new self($command->getProductId(), $command->getCost(), $metadata["userId"]);

public function changePrice(ChangePriceCommand $command) : void
    $this->cost = $command->getCost();

We told Before Interceptor that it should intercept all endpoints with annotation RequireAdministrator. Now, whenever we will call our command handlers, they will be intercepted by UserService. You can try it out, by providing different userId.

Enrich Message

Before and After interceptors are depending on the return type, to decide if they should modify Message or pass it through. If return type is different than void, Message payload or headers can be enriched with data. If return type is void then message will be passed through and the process of message flow can be interrupted by throwing exception only.

Instead of providing the userId during calling the CommandBus we will enrich Message with it before it will be handled by Command Handler using Interceptor.

Let's change our testing class to remove metadata and add the Interceptor.

public function run() : void
        \json_encode(["productId" => 1, "cost" => 100]),

        \json_encode(["productId" => 1, "cost" => 110]),

    echo $this->queryBus->sendWithRouting("product.getCost", \json_encode(["productId" => 1]), "application/json");
namespace App\Infrastructure\AddUserId;

class AddUserId {}
namespace App\Infrastructure\AddUserId;

class AddUserIdService
    #[Before(precedence: 0, pointcut: AddUserId::class, changeHeaders: true)]
    public function add() : array
        return ["userId" => 1];

changeHeaders - Tells Ecotone if this Interceptor modifies payload or headers. The default is payload. If changeHeaders=true thenheaders are picked and associative array must be returned. The returned value is merged with current headers. If changeHeaders=false then payload is picked and current payload is replaced by returned value, the headers stays the same. You may of course inject current payload and headers into the method if needed, as with usual endpoint. precedence - Tells Ecotone in what order interceptors should be called. The lower the value is the quicker interceptor will be called. The order exists within interceptor type: before/around/after. We want to call AddUserId Interceptor before RequireAdministrator Interceptor as it require userId to exists, in order to verify. AddUserIdService has precedence of 0 as default, so UserService must have at least 1.

class UserService
    #[Before(precedence: 1,pointcut: RequireAdministrator::class)]
    public function isAdmin(#[Header("userId")] ?string $userId) : void
        if ($userId != 1) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("You need to be administrator in order to register new product");

Let's annotate Product aggregate

use App\Infrastructure\AddUserId\AddUserId;

class Product

If we annotate aggregate on the class level. Then it does work like each of the method would be annotated with specific annotation in this case @AddUserId.

Let's run our testing command:

bin/console ecotone:quickstart
Running example...
Product with id 1 was registered!
Good job, scenario ran with success!

Breaking the flow

If during Before or Around you decide to break the flow, return null. Nullindiciates, that there is no message and the current flow ends. Null can not be returned in header changing interceptor, it does work only for payload changing interceptor.

Around Interceptor

The Around Interceptor is closet to actual endpoint's method call. Thanks to that, it has access to Method Invocation.This does allow for starting some procedure and ending after the invocation is done.

We will add real database to our example using sqlite if you do not have extension installed, then you will need to install it first. Yet if you are using Quickstart's Docker container, then you are ready to go.

Let's start by implementing repository, that will be able to handle any aggregate, by storing it in sqlite database. Before we do that, we need to remove our In Memory implementation class App\Domain\Product\InMemoryProductRepository we will replace it with our new implementation. We will create using new namespace for it App\Infrastructure\Persistence. Besides we are going to use doctrine/dbal, as this is really helpful abstraction over the PDO.

composer require doctrine/dbal

And the Repository:

namespace App\Infrastructure\Persistence;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use Ecotone\Messaging\Gateway\Converter\Serializer;
use Ecotone\Modelling\Attribute\Repository;
use Ecotone\Modelling\StandardRepository;

class DbalRepository implements StandardRepository
    const TABLE_NAME = "aggregate";
    const CONNECTION_DSN = 'sqlite:////tmp/db.sqlite';

    private Connection $connection; // 1

    private Serializer $serializer; // 2

    public function __construct(Serializer $serializer)
        $this->connection = DriverManager::getConnection(array('url' => self::CONNECTION_DSN));
        $this->serializer = $serializer;

    public function canHandle(string $aggregateClassName): bool
        return true;

    public function findBy(string $aggregateClassName, array $identifiers): ?object
        $this->createSharedTableIfNeeded(); // 3

        $record = $this->connection->executeQuery(<<<SQL
    SELECT * FROM aggregate WHERE id = :id AND class = :class
SQL, ["id" => $this->getFirstId($identifiers), "class" => $aggregateClassName])->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        if (!$record) {
            return null;

        // 4
        return $this->serializer->convertToPHP($record["data"],  "application/json", $aggregateClassName);

    public function save(array $identifiers, object $aggregate, array $metadata, ?int $expectedVersion): void

        $aggregateClass = get_class($aggregate);
        // 5
        $data = $this->serializer->convertFromPHP($aggregate, "application/json");

        if ($this->findBy($aggregateClass, $identifiers)) {
                ["data" => $data],
                ["id" => $this->getFirstId($identifiers), "class" => $aggregateClass]


        $this->connection->insert(self::TABLE_NAME, [
            "id" => $this->getFirstId($identifiers),
            "class" => $aggregateClass,
            "data" => $data

    private function createSharedTableIfNeeded(): void
        $hasTable = $this->connection->executeQuery(<<<SQL
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=:tableName
SQL, ["tableName" => self::TABLE_NAME])->fetchColumn();

        if (!$hasTable) {
CREATE TABLE aggregate (
    id VARCHAR(255),
    class VARCHAR(255),
    data TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY (id, class)

     * @param array $identifiers
     * @return mixed
    private function getFirstId(array $identifiers)
        return array_values($identifiers)[0];
  1. Connection to sqlite database using dbal library

  2. Serializer is Gateway registered by Ecotone. Serializer can handle serialization using Converters. It this case it will know how to register Cost class, as we already registered Converter for it. Serializer give us access for conversion from PHP type to specific Media Type or from specific Media Type to PHP type. We will use it to easily serialize our Product model into JSON and store it in database.

  3. This does create database table, if needed. It does create simple table structure containing id of the aggregate, the class type and serialized data in JSON. Take a look at createSharedTableIfNeeded if you want more details.

  4. Deserialize aggregate to PHP

  5. Serialize aggregate to JSON

We want to intercept Command Bus Gateway with transaction. So whenever we call it, it will invoke our Command Handler within transaction.

namespace App\Infrastructure\Persistence;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use Ecotone\Messaging\Attribute\Interceptor\Around;
use Ecotone\Messaging\Handler\Processor\MethodInvoker\MethodInvocation;
use Ecotone\Modelling\CommandBus;

class TransactionInterceptor
    private Connection $connection;

    public function __construct()
        $this->connection = DriverManager::getConnection(array('url' => DbalRepository::CONNECTION_DSN));

    #[Around(pointcut: CommandBus::class)]
    public function transactional(MethodInvocation $methodInvocation)
        echo "Start transaction\n";
        try {
            $result = $methodInvocation->proceed();

            echo "Commit transaction\n";
        }catch (\Throwable $exception) {
            echo "Rollback transaction\n";

            throw $exception;

        return $result;


This pointcut will intercept CommandBus.

Let's run our testing command:

bin/console ecotone:quickstart
Start transaction
Product with id 1 was registered!
Commit transaction
Start transaction
Commit transaction
Good job, scenario ran with success!

We do have two transactions started, because we call the Command Bus twice.

Parameter Converters for Interceptors

Each of interceptors, can inject attribute, which was used for pointcut. Just type hint for it in method declaration. Around interceptors can inject intercepted class instance. In above example it would be Command Bus. In case of Command Bus it may seems not needed, but if we would intercept Aggregate, then it really useful as for example you may verify if executing user have access to it. You may read more about interceptors in dedicated section.

Great, we have just finished Lesson 5! Interceptors are very powerful concept. Without extending any classes or interfaces from Ecotone, we can build build up Authorization, Transactions, Delegate duplicated logic, Call some external service, Logging and Tracing before invoking endpoint, the amount of possibilities is endless. In the next chapter, we will learn about scheduling and polling endpoints

Last updated

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