Symfony Configuration

Event Sourcing DDD CQRS Symfony PHP


    loadSrcNamespaces: bool (default: true)
    failFast: bool (default: true, production: false)
    namespaces: string[] (default: [])
    defaultSerializationMediaType: string (default: application/x-php-serialized) [application/json, application/xml]
    defaultErrorChannel: string (default: null)
    defaultMemoryLimit: string (default: 1024)
       initialDelay: int (default: 100, production: 1000)
       maxAttempts: int (default: 3, production: 5)
       multiplier: int (default: 3)
    serviceName: string (default: null)
    skippedModulePackageNames: string[] (default: [])
    test: bool (default: false)


Tells Ecotone, if should automatically load all namespaces defined for src catalog


Describes if Ecotone should fail fast. If true, then Ecotone will boot all endpoints during each request, so it can inform, if configuration is incorrect immediately, it provides fast feedback for the developer. if false, then Ecotone will not boot up any endpoints at each request, which will increase performance, but will results in slower feedback for the developer.


List of namespace prefixes, that Ecotone should look attributes for.


Describes default serialization type within application. If not configured default serialization will be application/x-php-serialized,which is serialized PHP class.


Provides default Poller configuration with error channel for all asynchronous consumers.


Provides default memory limit in megabytes for all asynchronous consumers.


Provides default connection retry strategy for asynchronous consumers in case of connection failure.

initialDelay - delay after first retry in milliseconds multiplier - how much initialDelay should be multipled with each try maxAttempts - How many attemps should be done, before closing closing endpoint


If you're running distributed services (microservices) and want to use Ecotone's capabilities for integration, then provide name for the service (application).


Skip list of given module package names (CheckModulePackageList for available packages).


Should test mode be enabled, so MessagingTestSupport can be used.

Last updated