
Ecotone PHP Framework

Get started with Ecotone

The best way to get started with Ecotone is to actually build something realistic. Therefore we will build a small back-end for Shopping System during this tutorial. The techniques we will learn in the tutorial are fundamental to building any application using Ecotone.

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The tutorial is divided into several lessons:

  • Lesson 1, we will learn the fundamentals of Ecotone: Endpoints, Messages, Channels, Gateways and using Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) on top of that

  • Lesson 2, we will learn using Tactical Domain Driven Design (DDD): Aggregates, Repositories and also Event Handlers

  • Lesson 3, we will learn how to use Converters

  • Lesson 4, we will learn about Metadata and Method Invocation

  • Lesson 5, we will learn about Interceptors, to handle cross cutting concerns

  • Lesson 6, we we will learn about Asynchronous Endpoints

You don’t have to complete all of the lessons at once to get the value out of this tutorial. You will start benefit from the tutorial even if it’s one or two lessons.

Last updated