Distributed Bus with Service Map comes with ability to test using real or in memory Message Channels. We can test run the tests using Ecotone Lite test support.
Testing Flow between Services
Suppose we do have two different Services User Service and Ticket Service. From User Service we would like to send Command to create new ticket, whenever something interesting happens.
Therefore using Ecotone Lite we can roll out two different applications and share the channel to test the full flow. Let's start by defining Publishing Service (Application):
# test file
$distributedTicketChannel = SimpleMessageChannelBuilder::createQueueChannel('distributed_ticket');
$userService = EcotoneLite::bootstrapFlowTesting(
configuration: ServiceConfiguration::createWithDefaults()
// distributed service map on the publisher side
->withServiceMapping(serviceName: 'ticket_service', channelName: 'distributed_ticket'),
// shared in memory channel
enableAsynchronousProcessing: [distributedTicketChannel]
When we do have Publishing Service, we can now set up Consumer side. Suppose we would like to test such Distributed Command Handler:
# application file
class TicketService
public function createTicket(CreateTicket $command, TicketRepository $ticketRepository): void
$ticket = Ticket::create($command);
So let's define the Distributed Consumer
# test file
$ticketRepository = new InMemoryTicketRepository();
$ticketService = EcotoneLite::bootstrapFlowTesting(
classesToResolve: [TicketService::class],
containerOrAvailableServices: [
TicketService::class => new TicketService(),
TicketRepository::class => $ticketRepository,
configuration: ServiceConfiguration::createWithDefaults()
enableAsynchronousProcessing: [distributedTicketChannel]
As we do have Publishing and Consuming side ready, we can now send Command from User Service.
new CreateTicket(//data),
This as a result will send this Command Message to Distributed Message Channel from which we can consume and verify, if our Ticket was stored correctly: