Interceptors (Middlewares)

PHP Interceptors Middlewares

Ecotone provide possibility to handle cross cutting concerns via Interceptors. Interceptor intercepts the process of handling the message, this means we can do actions like:

  • Enriching the message

  • Stopping or modify usual processing cycle

  • Calling some shared functionality or adding additional behavior

This all can be done without modifying the code itself, as we hook into the existing flows.

If you are familiar with Aspect Oriented Programming you will find a lot of similarities.


class AdminVerificator
    #[Before(precedence: 0, pointcut: "Order\Domain\*")]
    public function isAdmin(array $payload, array $headers) : void
        if ($headers["executorId"] != 1) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("You need to be administrator in order to register new product");

Before Attribute

Type of Interceptor more about it Interceptor Types section


Precedence defines ordering of called interceptors. The lower the value is, the quicker Interceptor will be called. It's safe to stay with range between -1000 and 1000, as numbers bellow -1000 and higher than 1000 are used by Ecotone. The precedence is done within a specific interceptor type.


Every interceptor has Pointcut attribute, which describes for specific interceptor, which endpoints it should intercept.

  • CLASS_NAME - indicates intercepting specific class or interface or class containing attribute on method or class level

  • CLASS_NAME::METHOD_NAME - indicates intercepting specific method of class

  • NAMESPACE* - Indicating all Endpoints starting with namespace prefix e.g. App\Domain\*

  • expression || expression - Indicating one expression or another e.g. Product\*||Order\*

  • expression && expression - Indicating one expression and another e.g. App\Domain\* && App\Attribute\RequireAdministrator

Interceptor Types

There are four types of interceptors. Each interceptor has it role and possibilities. Interceptors are called in following order:

  • Before

  • Around

  • After

  • Presend

Before Interceptor

Before Interceptor is called after message is sent to the channel, before execution of Endpoint.

- Exceptional Interceptor

Before interceptor is called before endpoint is executed. Before interceptors can used in order to stop the flow, throw an exception or enrich the Message. To understand it better, let's follow an example, where we will intercept Command Handler with verification if executor is an administrator. Let's start by creating Attribute called RequireAdministrator in new namepace.

class RequireAdministrator {}

Let's create our first Before Interceptor.

class AdminVerificator
    #[Before(pointcut: RequireAdministrator::class)]
    public function isAdmin(array $payload, array $headers) : void
        if ($headers["executorId"] != 1) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("You need to be administrator in order to register new product");

We are using in here Pointcut which is looking for #[RequireAdministrator] annotation in each of registered Endpoints. The void return type is expected in here. It tells Ecotonethat, this Before Interceptor is not modifying the Message and message will be passed through. The message flow however can be interrupted by throwing exception.

Now we need to annotate our Command Handler:

#[RequireAdministrator] // Our Application level defined Attribute
public function changePrice(ChangePriceCommand $command) : void
   // do something with $command

Whenever we call our command handler, it will be intercepted by AdminVerificator now.

Our Command Handler is using ChangePriceCommandclass and our AdminVerificator interceptor is using array $payload. They are both referencing payload of the Message, yet if we define a class as type hint, Ecotone will do the Conversion for us.

- Payload Enriching Interceptor

If return type is not void new Message will be created from the returned type. Let's follow an example, where we will enrich Message payload with timestamp.

class AddTimestamp {}
class TimestampService
    #[Before(pointcut: AddTimestamp::class)] 
    public function add(array $payload) : array
        return array_merge($payload, ["timestamp" => time()]);
class ChangePriceCommand
    private int $productId;
    private int $timestamp;

public function changePrice(ChangePriceCommand $command) : void
   // do something with $command and timestamp

- Header Enriching Interceptor

Suppose we want to add executor Id, but as this is not part of our Command, we want add it to our Message Headers.

class AddExecutor {}
class TimestampService
    #[Before(pointcut: AddExecutor::class, changeHeaders: true)] 
    public function add() : array
        return ["executorId" => 1];

If return type is not void new modified based on previous Message will be created from the returned type. If we additionally add changeHeaders: true it will tell Ecotone, that we we want to modify Message headers instead of payload.

public function changePrice(ChangePriceCommand $command, array $metadata) : void
   // do something with $command and executor id $metadata["executorId"]

- Message Filter Interceptor

Use Message Filter, to eliminate undesired messages based on a set of criteria. This can be done by returning null from interceptor, if the flow should proceed, then payload should be returned.

class SendNotificationOnlyIfInterested {}
class NotificationFilter
    #[Before(pointcut: SendNotificationOnlyIfInterested::class, changeHeaders: true)] 
    public function filter(PriceWasChanged $event) : ?array
        if ($this->isInterested($event) {
           return $event; // flow proceeds 
        return null;  // message is eliminated, flow stops.

If return type is not void new modified based on previous Message will be created from the returned type. If we additionally add changeHeaders=trueit will tell Ecotone, that we we want to modify Message headers instead of payload.

public function sendNewPriceNotification(ChangePriceCommand $event) : void
   // do something with $event

Around Interceptor

The Around Interceptor have access to actual Method Invocation.This does allow for starting action before method invocation is done, and finishing it after.

Around interceptoris a good place for handling actions like Database Transactions or logic that need to access invoked object.

class TransactionInterceptor
    #[Around(pointcut: Ecotone\Modelling\CommandBus::class)]
    public function transactional(MethodInvocation $methodInvocation)
        try {
            $result = $methodInvocation->proceed();

        }catch (\Throwable $exception) {

            throw $exception;

        return $result;

As we used Command Bus interface as pointcut, we told Ecotone that it should intercept Command Bus Gateway. Now whenever we will call any method on Command Bus, it will be intercepted with transaction. The other powerful use case for Around Interceptor is intercepting Aggregate. Suppose we want to verify, if executing user has access to the Aggregate.

class Person
   private string $personId;

   public function changeAddress(ChangeAddress $command) : void
      // change address
   public function hasPersonId(string $personId) : bool
      return $this->personId === $personId;

We have placed @IsOwnerOfPerson annotation as the top of class. For interceptor pointcut it means, that each endpoint defined in this class should be intercepted. No need to add it on each Command Handler now.

class IsOwnedByExecutor {}
class IsOwnerVerificator
    #[Around(pointcut: IsOwnedByExecutor::class)] 
    public function isOwner(MethodInvocation $methodInvocation, Person $person, #[Headers] array $metadata)
        if (!$person->hasPersonId($metadata["executoId"]) {
           throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No access to do this action!");
        return $methodInvocation->proceed();

We've passed the executd Aggregate instance - Person to our Interceptor. This way we can get the context of the executed object in order to perform specific logic.

After Interceptor

After interceptor is called after endpoint execution has finished. It does work exactly the same as Before Interceptor. After interceptor can used to for example to enrich QueryHandler result.

namespace Order\ReadModel;

class OrderService
   public function getOrderDetails(GetOrderDetailsQuery $query) : array
      return ["orderId" => $query->getOrderId()]
class AddResultSet
    #[After(pointcut: "Order\ReadModel\*") 
    public function add(array $payload) : array
        return ["result" => $payload];

We will intercept all endpoints within Order\ReadModel namespace, by adding result coming from the endpoint under result key.

Presend Interceptor

Presend Interceptor is called before Message is actually send to the channel. In synchronous channel there is no difference between Before and Presend. The difference is seen when the channel is asynchronous.

Presend Interceptor can used to verify if data is correct before sending to asynchronous channel, or we may want to check if user has enough permissions to do given action. This will keep our asynchronous channel free of incorrect messages.

class VerifyIfAuthenticated
    #[Presend(pointcut: Ecotone\Modelling\Attribute\CommandHandler::class)] 
    public function verify(#[Header("executorId")] ?string $executorId) : void
        if (!$executorId) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("User must be logged");

class IsEventAlreadyHandled
    private Storage $storage;

    #[Presend(pointcut: Ecotone\Modelling\Attribute\EventHandler::class)] 
    public function verify($payload, #[Header("messageId")] string $messageId)
        if ($this->storage->isHandled($messageId)) {
            return null;
        return $payload;

Presend can't intercept Gateways like (Command/Event/Query) buses, however in context of Gateways using Before Interceptor lead to same behaviour, therefore can be used instead.

Last updated

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