DBAL Support

Transactions, Asynchronous, Dead Letter Queue PHP DBAL


composer require ecotone/dbal

Module Powered By

Powered by powerful database abstraction layer Doctrine/Dbal and Enqueue for asynchronous communication


To configure Connection follow instruction for given integration

Message Channel

To create Dbal Backed Message Channel, we need to create Service Context.

class MessagingConfiguration
    public function orderChannel()
        return DbalBackedMessageChannelBuilder::create("orders");

Now orders channel will be available in our Messaging System.

Message Channel Configuration

    ->withAutoDeclare(false) // do not auto declare queue
    ->withDefaultTimeToLive(1000) // limit TTL of messages


By default Ecotoneenables transactions for all Asynchronous Endpoints and Command Bus. You may use of Service Context to turn off this configuration. You may also add more connections to be handled.

class DbalConfiguration
    public function registerTransactions() : array
        return [
                ->withTransactionOnCommandBus(true) // Turn for running command bus
                ->withTransactionOnAsynchronousEndpoints(true) // for all asynchronous endpoints
                ->withoutTransactionOnAsynchronousEndpoints(["notifications"]) // turn off for list of asynchronous endpoint 


If we disable global transactions, it make sense to enable transactions on specific endpoint. To do it all we need to do is to mark it with Ecotone\Dbal\DbalTransaction\DbalTransaction attribute.

public function sellProduct(SellProduct $command) : void
    // do something with $command

Document Store

DBAL provides support for Document Store, which is enabled by default. Every document is stored inside the "ecotone_document_store" table.

Standard Aggregate Repository

You may enable support for storing standard aggregates.

public function getDbalConfiguration(): DbalConfiguration
    return DbalConfiguration::createWithDefaults()
            ->withDocumentStore(enableDocumentStoreAggregateRepository: true);

In Memory Document Store

For testing purposes you may want to enable In Memory implementation.

public function configuration()
    return DbalConfiguration::createWithDefaults()
                ->withDocumentStore(inMemoryDocumentStore: true);

To enable specific Aggregates for Document Store Repository:

public function getDbalConfiguration(): DbalConfiguration
    return DbalConfiguration::createWithDefaults()
                    enableDocumentStoreAggregateRepository: true,
                    documentStoreRelatedAggregates: [Ticket::class]

Table initialization

Table will be create for you, however this comes with extra SQL cost, to verify before adding new document, if table exists. After releasing you may want to disable the check, as you know, that the table already exists.

    public function getDbalConfiguration(): DbalConfiguration
        return DbalConfiguration::createWithDefaults()
                ->withDocumentStore(initializeDatabaseTable: false);

Last updated

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