Asynchronous PHP

Running the code asynchronously


Step by step refactor from synchronous code to full resilient asynchronous code

Read Blog Post

Read more about Asynchronous in PHP and Ecotone

Building Reactive Message-Driven Systems in PHP

Code Example

Let's create Event Order was placed.

class OrderWasPlaced
    private string $orderId;
    private string $productName;

    public function __construct(string $orderId, string $productName)
        $this->orderId = $orderId;
        $this->productName = $productName;

    public function getOrderId(): string
        return $this->orderId;

    public function getProductName(): string
        return $this->productName;

And Event Handler that will be listening to the OrderWasPlaced.

class NotificationService
    const ASYNCHRONOUS_MESSAGES = "asynchronous_messages";

    public function notifyAboutNewOrder(OrderWasPlaced $event) : void
        echo "Handling asynchronously: " . $event->getProductName() . "\n";

Let's Ecotone that we want to run this Event Handler Asynchronously using RabbitMQ

class Configuration
    public function enableRabbitMQ()
        return AmqpBackedMessageChannelBuilder::create(NotificationService::ASYNCHRONOUS_MESSAGES);

Running The Example

$eventBus->publish(new OrderWasPlaced(1, "Milk"));

# Running asynchronous consumer

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