Command Query Responsibility Segregation PHP


Read Blog Post

Read Blog Post about CQRS in PHP and Ecotone

Code Example

Registering Command Handlers

Let's create PlaceOrder Command that will place an order in our system.

class PlaceOrder
    private string $orderId;
    private string $productName;

    public function __construct(string $orderId, string $productName)
        $this->orderId = $orderId;
        $this->productName = $productName;

    public function getOrderId(): string
        return $this->orderId;

    public function getProductName(): string
        return $this->productName;

And Command Handler that will handle this Command

use Ecotone\Modelling\Attribute\CommandHandler;

class OrderService
    private array $orders;

    public function placeOrder(PlaceOrder $command) : void
        $this->orders[$command->getOrderId()] = $command->getProductName();

Registering Query Handlers

Let's define GetOrder Query that will find our placed order.

class GetOrder
    private string $orderId;

    public function __construct(string $orderId)
        $this->orderId = $orderId;

    public function getOrderId(): string
        return $this->orderId;

And Query Handlerthat will handle this query

use Ecotone\Modelling\Attribute\CommandHandler;
use Ecotone\Modelling\Attribute\QueryHandler;

class OrderService
    private array $orders;

    public function placeOrder(PlaceOrder $command) : void
        $this->orders[$command->getOrderId()] = $command->getProductName();

    public function getOrder(GetOrder $query) : string
         if (!array_key_exists($query->getOrderId(), $this->orders)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Order was not found " . $query->getOrderId());

         return $this->orders[$query->getOrderId()];

Running The Example

$commandBus->send(new PlaceOrder(1, "Milk"));

echo $queryBus->send(new GetOrder(1));

Last updated