Message Router

Message Router PHP

Routers consume messages from a message channel and forward each consumed message to one or more different message channels depending on a defined conditions.

Router must return name of the channel, where the message should be routed too. It can be array of channel names, if there are more.

class OrderRouter
    public function orderSpecificType(string $orderType) : string
        return $orderType === 'coffee' ? "orderInCoffeeShop" : "orderInGeneralShop";

Possible options

  • endpointId - Endpoint identifier

  • inputChannnelName - Required option, defines to which channel endpoint should be connected

  • isResolutionRequired - If true, will throw exception if there was no channel name returned

Routing to multiple Message Channels

class OrderRouter
    public function distribute(string $order) : array
        // list of Channel names to distribute Message too
        return [

What can be Router used for?

Router is powerful concept that is backing up Query/Command and Event Bus implementations. Together with Message Gateway, you may roll up your own Bus implementation or build workflow pipelines.

Own Bus implementation

interface QueryGateway
    public function query(string $queryEndpoint): string;

final class QueryService
    public function getQuery(string $shopName): string
        return sprintf("query-%s-shop", $shopName);

final class ShopQueryHandler
    public function queryOne(): string
        return "coffee";

//  We are routing directly to given channel name, so we use lower level abstraction ServiceActivator
//  The benefit of it is, that endpoint is actually hidden and can not be called directly from QueryBus.
    public function queryTwo(): string
        return "milk";

Last updated

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