
Business Repository Interface

Special type of Business Interface is Repository. If you want to fetch or store Aggregate register under Ecotone's Repository you may use #[Repository] attribute.

For State-Stored Aggregate

interface OrderRepository
    public function getOrder(string $twitId): Order;

    public function findOrder(string $twitId): ?Order;

    public function save(Twitter $twitter): void;

Ecotone will read type hint to understand, which Aggregate you would like to fetch or save.

Implementation will be delivered by Framework. All you need to do is to define the interface and it will available in your Dependency Container

For Event Sourced Aggregate

interface OrderRepository
    public function getOrder(string $twitId): Order;

    public function findOrder(string $twitId): ?Order;

    public function save(string $aggregateId, int $currentVersion, array $events): void;

The difference is in save method, you need to provide aggregate id, current aggregate's version and array of events you would like to store.

Last updated